Jean-Baptiste Joly
Vorbemerkungen zu
»Dealing with Fear«
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
Since When and Why Are We Afraid
of the Future?
Bertrand Bacqué, Ingrid Wildi Merino
Beetween Fear as a Spectacle
and Interiorized Fear
Vadim Bolshakov
Genetic Roots of Instinctive
and Learned Fear
David N. Bresch
Von irrationalen Ängsten
zu versicherbaren Risiken
Paula Diehl
Dealing with Fear
The Mise en Scène of the SS
in National Socialist Propaganda
Björn Franke
Violent Machines for Troubled Times
Teresa Hubbard, Beate Söntgen
Home and Fear
An Email-Conversation
after the Symposium’s Talk
Iassen Markov, Stephan Trüby
Temple of Janus 2.0
The 5 Codes_Space of Conflict
Jürgen Mayer H., Henry Urbach
Mind the Gap
A Transcript of the Symposium’s Talk
Matthias Aron Megyeri
Sweet Dreams Security® Est. 2003
Notes from an Orwellian City
Jasmeen Patheja, Hemangini Gupta
Fear as Experienced
by Women in Their Cities
Ortwin Renn, Andreas Klinke
Von Prometheus zur Nanotechnologie
Der gesellschaftliche Umgang
mit Risiken und Bedrohungen
Gabi Schillig
The Politics of Lines.
On Architecture/War/Boundaries
and the Production of Space
Gerald Siegmund, Maren Rieger
Die Another Day: Dealing with Fear
Jens Martin Skibsted, Adam Thorpe
Liberty versus Security:
Bikes versus Bombs
Helene Sommer
High over the Borders
Stories of Hummingbirds, Crying Wolves,
and the Bird’s Eye View
Yi Shin Tang
Dealing with the Fear of Abuse
of Intellectual Property Rights
in a Globalized Economy
Margarete Vöhringer
Keine Angst im Labor
Nikolaj Ladovskijs psychotechnische
Architektur im postrevolutionären Moskau
Susanne M. Winterling
Dealing with Fear: an Inside
and an Outside Perspective
Photo Gallery
Fear of unemployment, natural catastrophes, terror, and illness is interwoven with everyday life in today’s industrialized nations. Faith in the future, which inspired people after World War II, has been replaced with a diffuse fear of the future and change. What are the causes for this? Is fear the downside of the economic and military globalization process, an indication of its brutality and exclusivity? Do rulers stoke and exploit fear to keep societies in compliance with ideological pressure? How do insurers, investors and economists—the administrators of risk—react to fear? How do scientists deal with fear? How do artists, architects, musicians, filmmakers, and poets articulate this phenomenon? And how can this dynamic be analyzed and localized from a cultural and historic perspective?
As an initiative event, the three-day symposium Dealing with Fear: What Holds Societies Together took place October 18–20, 2007 at Akademie Schloss Solitude. On Thursday evening, the symposium was opened with the introducing lecture “Since When and Why Do We Fear the Future?” by Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Stanford University. On Friday, guest speakers focused on specific aspects of the central topic and discussed them with the current jurors. On the third day, fellows from various artistic and academic disciplines presented their work related to the question of dealing with fear, insecurity, and safety.